Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sunday Ramblings

It's been so cool and rainy that we haven't been able to use the beach tags yet this year.
Beach tags ......... never heard of them when I lived in Florida.
You wanted to go to the beach? You went.
Here in south Jersey, you have to buy a beach tag for each town if you want to use their beach.
We really like Ventnor City and Margate.
Luckily they share tags.
One tag = access to two beaches!

This morning Colleen and I got up early and went to the beach.
Water temp was 68 degrees.
It was a bit chilly when I first got my feet wet, but they acclimated pretty quickly.
No one was swimming.
There were 2 surfers out trying to catch a wave.
The beach patrols were out practicing further out.

Not many shells either -- maybe we came at high tide.

We parked at our favorite little lot and crossed in to the beach (yes you have to pay to park -- this is Jersey, what more do you expect???).
We walked down to the pier and back (a little over a mile) -- barefoot on the beach in the water, etc.
Yes, my knee is screaming.
but it was good for it.

Came home, did the grocery store thing.
Put a small roast in the crock pot.
Lazy for a bit.

Out to Micheals for me to get the hanging thingie for my BFAC.
Back home.
OMG the roast is sooooo good.

Now I am waiting while an experiment with blackberries plays out -- my first attempt at some kind of sauce type stuff.

Then to the living toom - beads and True Blood.

I think I am spoiled now by Summer.
I do NOT want to go to work tomorrow.

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