Monday, August 30, 2010

Weekend update

It's getting hot again here.
Not much going on.

On Saturday we went to see Eat Pray Love. It made me cry in several places.
And it forced me to remember that I do need to forgive myself for some things.
And to acknowledge that there are things that I am not responsible for.

My current project involves greens. I am making a freeform bracelet for myself.
For this to be freeform, it sure does take a lot of planning on my part !

Rachel Alexandra did not win her race yesterday.
I didn't think she would.
Making her Horse of The Year was not a good decision.

Our area has had strong riptides this weekend and stronger ones predicted for later this week.
Colleen and I went down to the beach yesterday.
It was nice.
And I discovered this morning that we went with last years tags....... sheesh.

We'll be going again on Thursday.

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