Sunday, November 16, 2008

This and That

Very rainy and windy/stormy all day yesterday.
Last nights storms were intense.
And our sidewalks had a gazillion worms out -- EWWWWWW !

Today the temps have turned much cooler.
And so very windy.
It is turn -- fall mst be here.
The weather forecasters are talking snow flurries next week.
EEK !!

My hamstring is all screwed up again.
Yesterday I was hobbling around like an aged Seabiscuit.
Should have been shot, I tell you !
This morning I went over to the workout room and did the recumbent bike for a bit.
Then came home and used the stretching band.
It's a bit better.
Tomorrow I will just have to wear tennis shoes at work -- and my boss will just have to get over it.
Maybe I will go out and buy some black nike's or something like that. Yeah, yeah -- disguise the shoe for rehab... THAT's the ticket!

Still working on my bead projects.
For the BJP, I have 2.5 months completed.

Nothing much else going on.

We did buy a beautiful display cabinet for the 'library' .
Take note: the Library was the room formerly known as the Dining Room.
We eat in the kitchen dining area. We don't entertain formerly.
This is perfect. We are slowly getting furniture -- piece by piece -- and will put all our books, good stuffed chairs to sit in, my antique library table - in there.
The cabinet was such a bargain !
Oscar Huber is going out of business. It is glass, beautiful wood, the door slides left to right and back again (not swinging out).

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